Viva Ed Vegas Introduction-Mud Sling-Edd
Viva Ed Vegas Chapter One-Eds Will Roll
Chapter Two-Getting Better Aquaint-ed
Chapter Three-Put The ED Into Action
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NOW PLAYING-PINK PANTHER (SEQUENCER UNKNOWN)Pink Panther-Eddy's wicked plan starts to become a reality...

"here it is, gentlemen,…and I use that term lightly." Announced Edd, wearing a lab coat as he flicked his garage light on.
"It’s a sheet…yawn." Snorted Eddy.
"No,…" corrected Edd, pulling the sheet away to reveal what was underneath. " It’s the one and only improbreaker machine!"
"Oh Yeah!" drooled Eddy, running up to it, his eyes darting everywhere as he scrambled around.
"Whoa…it looks like the retainer of the Brownie-Eating Swamp Monster from Planet Pantyhose-The Reunion." Remarked Ed.
"Well…I’ll never be able to look my dentist in the eye again!" peeped Edd, sitting on the bike attached to it.
"So go on, Double D! How’s this baby work?" croaked Eddy, rubbing his hands together.
"It’s actually very simple, Eddy!" chirped Edd. "The procedure starts with the rotation mechanism initiated by cycling on this bicycle," pointed Edd "Which in turn creates the friction and radiation required for heating up the methane hydrochloride solution-hence we have an improbreaker furnace at just the right temperature!" Said Edd with a wave of his hand towards a dome-shape steel capsule hanging above what used to be a barbecue.
"You must be a riot at parties, Double D!" scoffed Eddy. "I can just taste the tinsel of Ed Vegas!" he slurped. "I can't wait to see Kevin's mush when we plonk down 150 fake jawbreakers in front of him and BUY-HIM-OUT!!!!" he laughed with a greedy slobber and a swivel of his hips.
"Eddy, you frighten me when you talk like that!" stammered Edd.
"Eddy’s the man with the plan!" hooted Ed.
"You got that right!" smirked Eddy. "So now that it’s built, lets get improbreakin’!"
"Not so fast, Eddy!" dismissed Edd. "Watch this!"
Edd pushed a big shiny red button and a monitor attached at the other end flashed on.
"Hello, Double D." it flashed across the neon green screen as a sultry female computer voice repeated it. Edd sighed and jumped off the bike. Ed and Eddy stood with their mouths open. Edd never ceased to amaze them.

"Fellas…meet IMPRO." He said proudly. "She will monitor our improbreaker production and notify us if something goes wrong, such as a forgotten ingredient or heat malfunction. Isn’t she marvellous?"
"She?!?…It’s a computer, Double D! Get over it!" huffed Eddy enviously.
"Please Eddy, you’ll hurt IMPRO’s feelings!" defended Edd.
"She makes me feel all tingly, Double D!" panted Ed.
"Goggles on!" ordered Edd as he snapped his into place. "Safety first!"
"Ow!" complained Eddy as his goggles clung onto his face with a twang. "What's safe about these?!? I could have lost an eye!"
"Hur-ha-ha-hur!" laughed Ed, standing on his head with his goggles on his butt. "Hello Eddy!"
"Quit it, skunkpits!" snapped Eddy, waving him away as he put his apron on.
"You look like my mom in that, Eddy!" giggled Ed.
"Can we...please get to work?!?" scolded Edd, typing in the logon sequence.
"What stuff do we need, Double D?" asked Eddy, snatching the original blueprint out of Edds hand.
"Anything and everything, I presume. I think we should just go with the flow...yknow?" chuckled Edd. "As long as we don't forget the essentials we can't go wrong."
"Okay, well Im gonna round some stuff up at my place." Said Eddy as he strutted out.
"I must find that sucrose hydroxolide. I don’t know, distractions, distractions!" muttered Edd as he scampered around the garage.
"I must find the lizard man!" stated Ed.
"Hey, wait!" halted Edd. He handed Eddy a walkie-talkie.
"What is this, the A-Team?!?" he smirked.
"I pity the fool who does not buy my merchandise!" slurped Ed.
"Don’t curdle your brain, Ed!" snapped Eddy.
"Take this if you need to communicate!" Edd ordered.
"Right-o projector!" saluted Eddy jokingly.
"Professor! I’m the professor, Eddy!" corrected Edd. "Ed, take this walkie-talkie in case you need assistance." He handed Ed a walkie-talkie of his own.
"Roger Wilko, Double D!" hooted Ed as he scurried out of the garage door.