Viva Ed Vegas Introduction-Mud Sling-Edd
Viva Ed Vegas Chapter One-Eds Will Roll
Chapter Two-Getting Better Aquaint-ed
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NOW PLAYING-Queen-Another One Bites the Dust-Daisy's lapse of pre-adolescent wrath isn't over yet, and Kevin's about to find that out the hard way!...

"Ed...Double D...wake up, Sleeping Uglies!" Eddy stood over the two lifeless Kanker victims who lay broken in the school garbage dispenser, covered in kiss-marks and carrot cake. Edd's eyes snapped open.
"You're welcome." He droned as Eddy hauled him up by the collar and shook him.
"Double D? What happened, where you mugged?!?" asked Eddy nosily.
"Eddy, it was horrible!" squealed Edd, grabbing hold of Eddy's shirt with alphabet soup covered hands.
"We begged with them...reasoned with them...but they just kept smooching Eddy! Oh the Inhumanity, look what those hooligans did to poor defenceless Ed!" Edd swooned.
He pointed to Ed, who had "Property Of The Kankers" written on his forehead
with biro and 3 huge hickeys on his neck. Pass the mustard!" he slurred through a lip-gloss smeared mouth.
Eddy dragged Edd out by his arms and then they both strained to pull Ed out.
"I'm getting a hernia, Double D!" wheezed Eddy.
"Join the club!" Edd snapped, tugging on Ed's leg. "Wait a minute I know what'll wake him up."
Edd walked right up to the garbage dispenser and shouted.
"Ed! The wibbles are coming! Save us!"
"Attack the wibbles!" battle cried Ed, knocking Edd down by accident as he snapped up straight. "Wibbles away!" he bellowed as he tripped and fell head-first out of the dispenser. "Hello Eddy!" he grinned.
"How's it going, pudding skin?" Eddy answered.
"Shouldn't we tell him what he's got written on his face?" whispered Edd behind his hand to Eddy.
"Nah...let someone else tell him!" sniggered Eddy.
"Eddy, I really need to wash!" complained Edd, rubbing the lipstick off his face and picking an orange peel out of his sock. "What time is it now?!?"
"3pm-you guys been in here since lunchtime?!?"
"So it seems, Eddy." Hobbled Edd. Suddenly he stopped dead in his tracks. "You mean to say I missed the last literature lesson before the poetry test?!? Oh no! This is definitely not good, Eddy!" Edd panicked.
"Relax, Double D. It's just a lousy poem, you could write it in your sleep! Anyway, there's no time to worry about that stuff now. Onward to the playing fields, space monkeys!"
"Playing fields?!" I'm not going to any playing fields, Eddy! Do you have any idea how long it will take me to disinfect my clothes?!? I'd better go now!" Edd scurried off, his arms up against his chest.
"Wait up, Flash!" said Eddy as he blocked his way. " You are coming back aren't you?!?"
"Bear with me, Eddy. I am in a lifetime war against bacteria and germs. Just who knows when this old soldier's gonna retire?" Sighed Edd patriotically. He dashed around the fence.
"Double Dee, watch out, they're flying low!!!" cried Ed, shielding his head from the sky.
"C'mon, birdbrain!" snapped Eddy, dragging Ed by his ear.
Cmon Daisy!" cheered Melissa from the side as she watched her sister line up with the rest of the contenders. "Hey Eddy!" she waved to him and Ed as they approached.
"Can I have a foam hand, Eddy?" asked Ed, his tongue flapping in the air as they ran towards her.
"Whats happened?" Eddy asked Melissa.
"Nothing yet, theyre just lining up." Melissa shrugged. "Wheres Double D?"
"Oh,he had a little accident." Sniggered Eddy. Puzzled, Melissa raised her eyebrow. Then she looked at Ed. She began to laugh uncontrollably.

"Ed,who are you the property of?" she chortled. Eddy jiggled with giggles.
"Huh?" said Ed blankly.
"On your neck, Ed!" she told him.
"Aargh!" he screamed. "Whats on my neck?!?"

"A Viking! AAAAAARGH!!! Eddy,Eddy,Eddy,gerrim off!" howled Ed as he ran around like a headless chicken. Eddy and Melissa held onto each other for support as they collapsed into fits of laughter. Her attention aroused, Daisy glanced over.

"What are those two pastry chefs doing here?!?" she scoffed. "Youre up, Taz!" barked Kevin to her. Daisys face boiled angrily as she walked up to make her stance for the ball. Kevin stood by, watching with a deceitful grimace on his face.

Daisy raised her bat to her shoulder, her grip tight and her brow moist. She glared threateningly at the guy on the mound, the loneliest place in the world to some. He returned the favour with an equally unfriendly snarl from beneath the shadow of his cap. Daisy bit her lip, and felt an upsurge of adrenaline as she wrenched her hands around the handle. He curled his arm back, lifting his left leg up to his side like a majestic crane and launched the ball at her. She took a deep breath, squinted her eyes and hurled her bat at the ball. Pow! She heard the contact of ball leather against wood and flung her bat to the ground as if it was on fire. The onlookers roared and whooped as she sprinted mercilessly from first base to second.
"Go, pigmy, Go!" jeered Eddy, his hands around his mouth. She gritted her teeth as she soared towards third. Sarah watched in horror as the bruiser stakes got increasingly high.
"Outta my way, Prom Queen!" Daisy hissed as she collided with a fielder. With the last base in sight she leaned and arched her body as she scraped fiercely towards it. Her foot touched base just before the punishing ball hit it. She stood up triumphantly. "Whos the girl?!? Whos the girl?!?" she smirked, big-upping the air. Melissa jumped over the fence and ran over, giving her a hug. The two girls walked arm-in-arm towards the ecstatic crowd chanting her name.
Kevin stood agape with shock.
"Read it and weep, baby!" she grimaced smarmily before looking him up and down and laughing as she walked away to her awaiting and adoring fans.
"Go Daisy! Go Daisy!" chanted Nazz and Sarah, not knowing whether to admire or fear Melissa's ever-watchful younger sibling. Shes just like a Roman gladiator winning her freedom!" gushed Jimmy, batting his eyelashes demurely.
"Yah, Rolf has not seen so mush dust in the air since nanas 40th wedding anniversary!" praised Rolf.
"She made my eyes water too, Plank!" laughed Johnny, throwing his pal up on his shoulders.
"Youre a better man than I am, Daisy!" sneered Eddy, leaning on the fence.
"If the dunce hat fits" muttered Daisy, arms folded with a supercilious smile. Eddy gasped at his exposure and pulled Eds T-shirt over his head to stifle him.

Daisy looked at her sister for an explanation and not getting one strutted to the water fountain.
"Have I missed anything?" piped Edd with a grin as he huddled up in between Eddy and Melissa on the fence. He felt tingly inside when he felt Melissas body warmth. Sarah turned her head away to block out Edd's ever evident affections for Melissa. Instead she linked Jimmy's arm and discussed origami and its feng-shui related benifits for the 6th tedious time that day. Anything was preferable to watching Edd slowly slip away from her.
"Oh no, Double D, not much." smirked Melissa. "Only Eddy declaring his undying love for my sister!"
"What the? No I didnt! I didnt Double D, I swear!" Flustered Eddy. "Shes lying! I didnt say anything of the kind, cross my
Eddy grit his teeth with irritation. "Am I that obvious?!?" he panicked to himself.
The kids watched as a few more tried out before Kevin made his final decision. He hobbled over with the cut-throat piece of paper. All eyes were on him as he approached.
"Well Daisy, you are the weakest link -goodbye!" he sneered maliciously before cackling like a wicked old hag. "Nea-ha-ha-dumb Vegas airhead!"
Daisy's face transformed into a molten magma red as her nostrils flared and her eyes bulged furiously.

"Now youve done it, Kevin!" warned Melissa, shaking her head.
"What?!? Whats he done?!?" pleaded Edd, a look of horror in his eyes.
"Wait and see, Double D." she said firmly. "wait and see."
"Oh look, shes changing colour!" Kevin taunted, throwing his head back laughing at the teeny tyrant. All the veins in Daisy's neck protruded as her temper fried over her rejection. She cracked her knuckles as she breathed in and out through her teeth, making a blasting sound like a crematorium furnace.
" The weakest link, am I?!?" she hissed as she stomped towards Kevin, his arms folded condescendingly.
"not good! Not good!" shuddered Edd.
"Vegas airhead, AM I?!?!?!?" she roared as her fist flailed towards his face.Kevin&s head spun like a roulette as Daisy bounced her knuckles off his cheek. "Oh Dear! Cromagnon girl is alive and well!" cowered Edd, hiding behind Melissa's shoulder.
"Oof!" wheezed Kevin as he teetered on his caste and finally fell on his back into the gaggle of kids.

"Oh no! Kevin!" gasped Nazz. "I mean-Sock it to em, Daisy!"
"Yeah that's what I thought..." Daisy laughed cynically, not sure if she believed fully Nazz was over Kevin who lay dazed on the floor.
"Kevin's got a tattoo on his face, Eddy!" informed Ed,inspecting the Daisy-victim.
"Yep! Im in love!" whooped Eddy, his arms in the air.