Viva Ed Vegas Introduction-Mud Sling-Edd
Viva Ed Vegas Chapter One-Eds Will Roll
Chapter Two-Getting Better Aquaint-ed
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RED HOT CHILE PEPPERS-Transcending (sequencer Unknown)-Prepare to bow before his unrivaled obnoxiousness...and NO,we're not talkin about Eddy OR kevin!...(PICS BY RACH ON THE WAY..)
"Who out of this peanut gallery is with me for guitar lessons?" a voice grunted, spoiling the jumpy mood of the kids dancing almost staight away with its almost proud morbidness.

"I think the circus is in town!" Eddy sniggered as Melissa slapped her forehead in embarrassment.
Travis stood in the doorway with his guitar over his shoulder. He looked very menacing in his frayed "Rex Pistols" vest, black and red sparring gloves, multi-coloured hair, kilt, spiked dog collar, purposely hole-ridden blue and red football socks and army boots. Dont forget the teddy-bear head he used for a sporran.
"Hes got socks like yours, Double D." pointed Ed.
"Not quite like mine, Ed." Shirked Edd.
"Travis!" Melissa moaned irritatedly. "I asked you to change!"

"And I asked you to stop being a whiny little priss so when you keep your end of the bargain..." he smirked. "So will I."
Sarah giggled to herself with glee. Finally someone else who wasn't falling all over Prissy Twinkle!
"Don't mind him..." Melissa started, her arms folded. "he's just upset Dr Frankenfurter didn't invite him to his party..." Nazz tittered at Melissa's sarcasm.
"Only cos he knew I'd steal the show!" Travis retorted, rubbing his knuckles on his shirt...what there was of it. "So c'mon, who's up for a bout of string plucking?"
"I am, Mister Punkman!" chirped Sarah. "Cmon Jimmy!" she said, dragging Jimmy along, his brace banging on the floor.
"I take it he's your infamous brother?" Edd asked Melissa.
"How'd you guess?" she scoffed.
"Has anyone ever told you your hair resembles the aftermath of my nana's pre-chewed 7-course dinner?" squawked Rolf as he walked with Travis to the recording studio/garage.
"Ive been told it resembles a few things, but that I'll take as a compliment, my man!" grunted Travis, a small smile on his cynical face
"The patterns on your loincloth bring tears to Rolfs eyes, Moth ridden Trav-boy!" gushed Rolf.
"Manly, yes, but I like it too!" smirked Travis as Rolf fell about laughing.
"Well, they're psychologically normal." Said Edd sarcastically, walking with Ed and Eddy a few yards behind them.
"Hows wearing a kilt normal?" scoffed Eddy.
"Kilth are so Neanderthal." Whimpered Jimmy, hiding behind Sarah, shivering. "He scares me Tharah, look at his monstrouth conthept of make-up!"
"Dont worry Jimmy, just think of him as a Panda." She cooed, holding his hand. The kids sat down on the couches while Travis set up the instruments. Jimmy cowered behind Sarah as Rolf had his head buried in the corner of the sofa sniffing the new leather.
"Ah Fresh!" he chirped.

"So um...Travis." peeped Edd, trying to make polite conversation to break the awkward atmosphere. "What instrument do you play? Ive been playing the pedal and portable steel guitar for the past 2 years. My friend Eddy here can play the saxophone." He grinned.
"I wont sleep tonight knowing that." Grunted Travis, pulling the keyboard out of the closet for Jimmy.
"Well..." huffed Edd. "He wont be getting the gold award for social skills this year will he?"
"Forget him!" snapped Eddy. "Whats going on with Dusty Sockhat, is she still down there with Nazz and Johnny?"
"Dont forget Plank!" interrupted Ed.
"Good riddance." breathed Sarah silently as she flicked her eyes sneakily at Edd.
"Quit staring at me, Sarah!" Snapped Eddy, noticing her gaze."Or should I say...quit staring at Double Dee? he-he-he!!" .

"In his dreams, bub!!" scoffed Sarah defiantly, turning a rouge colour. Edd gulped with fright. Could it be possible Sarah still fancied him? "I hope for Melissa's sake she doesn't...Sarah's quite the Amazon!" he panicked to himself
Are you preppies ready or what?" said Travis gruffly, sitting on a stool with his guitar in his hand.
"were not preppies!" screeched Eddy. "Um double D whats a preppie?"
"Uptown kids, I presume." Pondered Edd. " I think anyone whos spoilt, rich, and goes to a la-de-da school is considered a preppie. 1 out of 3 isnt bad, Eddy!" smirked Edd. Eddy scowled and leaped up from the couch.

"If anyones a preppie its you, spiky!" mocked Eddy. "Look at the house you live in! Its no good selling the hard-core act to us! We the Eds, are smarter than"-
"Muffins?" suggested Ed.
"No, Ed were smarter than"-
"Shurrup already!" snapped Eddy, pinching Ed's mouth. "I challenge you to a duel Trav, my boy!" said Eddy.