Viva Ed Vegas Introduction-Mud Sling-Edd

Viva Ed Vegas Chapter One-Eds Will Roll

Chapter Two-Getting Better Aquaint-ed

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NOW PLAYING-DEPECHE MODE-ENJOY THE SILENCE (sequencer Unknown)-Poor Double Dee works the nightshift...(PICS BY RACH ON THE WAY..)

"Slowly careful there!" muttered Edd as he planned out the
improbreaker machine blueprint in his room. It was 5am
Thursday morning and Edd had been awake all night. By his
desk stood a trolley with a huge pot of coffee and 2 super-
size bottles of Coca-Cola. The birds were already chirping
and peeping at his window. He rubbed his eyes achingly and
stood up."Curse my gullible ways!" he sniffled as he lay
down on his bed and set his clock for 7am. He was way too
tired to bother getting changed and washed which for Edd was
extremely alien. His eyes fell heavy and he drifted off.


<BGSOUND SRC="music/enjoysilence.mid" LOOP="-1">