Viva Ed Vegas Introduction-Mud Sling-Edd
Viva Ed Vegas Chapter One-Eds Will Roll
Chapter Two-Getting Better Aquaint-ed
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NOW PLAYING-LIT-OWN WORST ENEMY (sequencer Unknown)-That's Edd for ya!(PICS BY RACH)
Boing! "Oh the Heavens, I'm gonna die!!!" Edd shot up out of his bed like a ferret out of a drainpipe when Ed and Eddy ambushed him by bouncing all over it. Clinging to the ceiling with horror he shot them an ice- melting look.

"What are you trying to do, give me a premature heart attack?!?" he hissed."Do you know how much caffeine is in my system?!? I was drinking coffee and Coca-Cola all last night like it was going out of fashion!"
"Chill-out, Double-D!" snorted Eddy. "Its time for school anyway!"
"What time is it?!? Have I slept in?!?" Edd panicked, fumbling for his alarm-clock through his heavy and swollen eyelids. "Oh no! Ive only 10 minutes to exfoliate and sterilise myself! Not to mention the rigorous procedure of ridding my bed of all those millions of pesky dead skin cells!"
"You had to get him started, Ed!" blamed Eddy, wagging his finger at him.
"Did you draw up the plans for the improbreaker, Double D?"
"No, I stayed up all night painting my toenails, what do you think?!?" snarled Edd sarcastically.
"Mums the word!" blurted Ed.
"Cmon, lets see it!" squeaked Eddy, fumbling around on Edds desk.
"Its not over there, Eddy. Its in my bag." said Edd. He unravelled the blueprint and Ed and Eddys eyes widened.
"Youre a whizz, Double D!" gulped Eddy, his eyes watering.