Viva Ed Vegas Introduction-Mud Sling-Edd

Viva Ed Vegas Chapter One-Eds Will Roll

Chapter Two-Getting Better Aquaint-ed

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CORRS-WHAT CAN I DO (sequenced by Wolfman)-Sarah feels the pinch as Edd's eyes start to wander...(PICS BY RACH ON THE WAY..)
"Do we have to go to the baseball tryouts, Eddy?" whined Edd
as they walked towards the cafeteria for lunch. "What, and
risk missing Daisy shaming Kevin if we dont? Of course we
have to!" laughed Eddy as he strutted along. "Anyway,
Melissa will be there!" he teased, puckering his lips.
"Yes I um, suppose you have a point." Giggled Edd shyly.
Suddenly he stopped and pulled Eddy back as he looked at his
"Hey Eddy Ive just noticed." He pointed to his waist. "Your
chain is missing."
"This stinks!" complained Eddy, searching frantically for
his chain in his pockets. "I love that stupid chain! Id be
heartbroken if its lost!"
"You have to have a heart first, Eddy." Chortled Edd.
"Swinging bricks dont count."
"Speak for yourself, Double Dee, you homewrecker you!" laughed Eddy. " I think you've well and truly gutted Sarah!"

"What are YOU talking about?!?" asked Edd with annoyance
in his voice
"Oh c'mon Davinci, get with the score!" Eddy slapped his forehead. " Sarah's still got the hots for ya, y'know!"
"Oh please Eddy, that old chestnut's history!" snapped Edd.
"And if I was honest, even if Sarah did
maintain her affections for me, for one, she's 4 and a quarter
years younger, and there's no contest as far as looks and
personality go between her and Melissa"-
"A-ha! You DO like her, doncha?" sniggered Eddy.
"Oh Bravo Eddy, my regards for pointing out the obvious!"
snubbed Edd as they headed down the spiral staircase towards
the cafeteria." How can I not, she's poetry in motion!"
"Ease up, Sockhead! Don't be getting all matrimonial on me now!" Eddy patted his back patronisingly.
"Not if I can help it, Eddy!" winked Edd as they stepped off the last step with a haze of
romance buzzing vibrantly in his
belly. The two boys laughed as they pushed the cafeteria door open.
"Man, I can't be doing with all these 4th graders running around!
Why are they doing links so early on in the darn year anyhoo?!?"
Sarah stood at the top of the staircase watching
the object of her unreturned affections slip further and
further away from her. The stinging reality of Edd's words burned mercilessly in her heart like a branding rod.
With welling eyes she stared at the huge mirror adjacent to her
and a plain shrimpy kid with a gargantuan attitude
grimaced threateningly back at her. Everyone else
wanted Melissa, loved Melissa, enjoyed Melissa, welcomed her with open arms, and although a dormant part of her did too, the fork-tongued lizard inside Sarah saw this invading
Vegas bombshell of a girl,
with her early developing curves, sapphire eyes and perpeual niceness as a pesky bluebottle that had to be caught and swallowed quickly.
How hard it was for Sarah to feel the way she did. How does a person feel violent jealousy but lingering feelings of admiration from some place else at the same time?
And that's what Sarah felt...she liked to hate Melissa...but hated more to like her..........

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