Viva Ed Vegas Introduction-Mud Sling-Edd
Viva Ed Vegas Chapter One-Eds Will Roll
Chapter Two-Getting Better Aquaint-ed
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NOW PLAYING-Now Playing:Tchaicovsky-Dance Of The suger Plum Fairy-Ed goes on the borrow...and Sarah's not impressed! (SEQUENCED BY Voyetra Technologies)
"These gun holsterth are chafing me, Tharah!" whinged Jimmy as he put his Teeny Tots cowboy suit on.
"You look just like Clint Eastwood, Jimmy!" Gushed Sarah in her western damsel dress as she took a bite out of her chocolate cake. "I really gotta watch my weight!" Sarah nagged as she scrutinised herself in the mirror.

"You're such a thpindly little thing,Tharah!" scolded Jimmy as he hopped around the room on his stickhorse. "If you loothe any more you'll be emathiated!" "A little off here and there wouldn't hurt!" analysed Sarah as she pinched what meagre puppyfat she had. "Tharah, curvy ith the new slim, y'know!" informed Jimmy. "A perfect ethample of thith ith Melitha Twinkle!" Sarah glared at him warningly. Jimmy pretended he hadn't noticed and continued. "She hath lovely curth for a girl of thirteen and a halth!" He gloated. Nothing much got past this orthodontically challenged young man, and the rekindling of Sarah's crush on Edd was no exception. "Don't miss much, do ya Jimmy?!?" she spat corrosively.
Ed teetered through the door, as quiet as a mouse, and took refuge at the side of the bed. His target in sight, he waited for the perfect moment to pounce on the cake and take it back to Edd’s garage.

"Sarah…whath’s that hideouth odour?!?" Wheezed Jimmy.
"I don’t know Jimmy. Let me spray some air freshener around." Smiled Sarah as she grabbed the air freshener and mercilessly shot pot-pourri fresh spray in every direction. It got in Ed’s eyes and he bit hard on his lip to stop himself from making a noise. He slipped under the bed and reached up towards the cake on the bedside cabinet.
"Yipe! The boogie man’s under your bed, Sarah!" screamed Jimmy, diving behind a pile of teddies. CRUNCH!!!" Sarah whacked Ed’s hand mercilessly with an umbrella.
"I’m telling mom you sneaked up on Jimmy again, Ed!" threatened Sarah, hurling her fan at him.
"Don’t tell mom, Sarah!" pleaded Ed as he scrambled towards the chocolate cake.

"That’s my chocolate cake, bub!" she screeched, clawing at his face. Holding her off with one hand on her forehead, Ed thought long and hard about what to do next -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------then he had an idea.
"Look out there! Ricky Martin!" pointed Ed through the window.
"Huh?!? Where?!?" fizzed Sarah, stopping her struggling and running to the window.
"He’s my hero!" gushed Jimmy following her.
"Hey, Ricky Martin’s not,...EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEED!!!!!!!!!!!!!" she screamed waving her fists frantically. Ed leapt out of the door carrying the plate of chocolate cake.
"I’m a fast thinker! Hur ha ha hur!" he laughed as he ran.