Viva Ed Vegas Introduction-Mud Sling-Edd

Viva Ed Vegas Chapter One-Eds Will Roll

Chapter Two-Getting Better Aquaint-ed

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"Bow-bow-bow-do-be-do-bow-boop-wa-Yeah!" crooned Eddy as he
threw old candycanes, lollipops, the remainder of last
Easter’s chocolate eggs, the chocolates nobody liked and an
assortment of other stuff into a plastic bag. He swirled a
chair around stylishly and stepped up to reach the top cupboard.
"Treacle,…sugar,…honey,….baby, you know I got it!" he purred as
he stacked up the heavy jars. 70’s disco pop music blasted in
the background, making Eddy groove as he searched for anything
that could be thrown in the improbreaker mixture. "ooh, don’t
forget this for the Kanker surprise!" sneered Eddy as he threw
the 2-week old chilli con-carne at the bottom of the
refrigerator into the bag.
"Extra-Spicy, of course!" he sniggered as he lashed in Extra-strong
Paprika powder, garlic cloves, horseradish sauce and good ol’ English mustard.
"Baking soda to get rid of Lee Kanker’s furry teeth!" he croaked as the popped it in.
"Soap to wash out Marie Kanker’s stinkin’ mouth!" he laughed.
" And stick-o superglue so we won’t have to hear May’s blood-curdling voice ever again!" he cackled deviously
as he swung the bag over his shoulder and walked out of the
"Loud-Mouth to Little Teapot----Loud -Mouth to Little Teapot—answer me, Ed!"
"Hello Eddy!" squeaked Ed through the static of the walkie-talkie.

"Where are you?!?"

"I’m at Double Dee’s! I got some cake!"

"Did you get the breakerbombs for the Kankers, Ed, my boy?"

"One for the road, me ol' buster!"

"Revenge on the Kankers is mine!" he bellowed triumphantly as the thunder rolled and the lightning collided in the sky. Eddy stood in the middle of the street gurgling and howling with laughter like a madman. "C’mon Ed, let’s get him indoors." Said Edd as they dashed towards the erratic Eddy and carried him in, still squealing with evil ecstasy from the stinging September rain.


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